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Best practice resources funded by the
Australian Government Department of Health.

The National Allergy Council is a partnership between the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) and Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA). We are funded by the Australian Government Department of Health to implement the National Allergy Strategy. We aim to reduce the impact of allergies on the Australian community and health system.

Food Allergy Aware

The Food Allergy Aware website is a resource hub with information and practical resources to manage food allergies. It is for people and families of all ages living with food allergies, as well as  health professionals and people working in food services, schools, children’s education and care services and camps.

This website has been developed by the National Allergy Council to make it easy for people to find evidence-based, best practice resources, to help them manage food allergies.

This resource hub features resources created by the National Allergy Council, ASCIA and Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia, as well as other evidence-based organisations.